Where local business unfolds weekly.
Covering Brevard's Key Industries
From small business to high-tech, space & defense, real estate, health care, hospitality, finance, manufacturing and more.
The leader in Business News since 1984
For nearly 40 years, BBN has showcased Brevard's movers and shakers.
Business Leaders Showcased Weekly
Each week, BBN prints what's new, different and relevant across our business landscape.
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Reporting on Brevard business since 1984.

Publisher’s Editorial Statement

Brevard Business News reports on all facets of business affecting Brevard County. Its content is directed to the executives, investors, managers, owners and staffs of businesses both large and small throughout Brevard. 

The publication features profiles on local business leaders, reporting on banking and finance, health care and the medical industry, real estate, high technology and space, construction, marketing, tourism and other aspects of business relating to Brevard County. 

Printing 10,000 copies per week, Brevard Business News, is the area’s premier publication concentrating on the business market. 

To download an issue from the PDF viewer, click on the three dots in the panel under the issue’s pages.

October 14, 2024

Issue and Closing Dates

Brevard Business News is published every Monday by Brevard Business News, Inc. Advertising space reservations and materials are due by 5:00 p.m. Friday, 10 days prior to the publication date. Cancellations must be in writing and cannot be accepted after the Friday deadline. Publisher reserves the right to repeat a previously submitted ad or charge for space reserved when no acceptable copy is received by 5:00 pm EST Friday, 10 days prior to the publication date.

Press Releases and Editorial Deadlines

When sending information regarding events, please allow two full weeks lead time and provide a contact name and phone number. Items submitted for inclusion in the editorial content of Brevard Business News will be used on a space-available basis and must be received no later than 5:00 pm, Wednesday, 12 days prior to the publication date. Digital photographs may be submitted.
All information and materials submitted and printed are the copyrighted property of BBN.

Mechanical and Printing Specifications

All measurements for ads are in inches on the rate card. Ad sizes not shown there will be charged at $20.50 per inch or will be adapted to fit Brevard Business News specifications. Ads 8.5 inches or more in height will be billed as 10 inches. All print-ready artwork must meet 85 line-screen specifications at 300 dpi. Brevard Business News is not responsible for errors in artwork submitted as "print-ready" or "proof-approved" by advertisers. Preferred printing material is PDF, JPEG and PNG files accepted electronically. Materials submitted become the property of Brevard Business News. Copyright regulations apply to Brevard Business News and its contents.

General Rate Information

All rates are net to Brevard Business News. Agency discounts do not apply. All advertisers may refer to the January 1, 2023 rate card for rates and discounts. Additional discounts for insertions of 27 or more ads will be quoted upon request. Advertising content is subject to the approval of the publisher. Contracts begin with first insertion.

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